

Yuran RM50 Untuk Sijil Seumur Hidup
Ke Arah Industri Makanan Selamat
Tingkatkan Kesedaran Pengendali Makanan Tentang Kepentingan Keselamatan Dan Kualiti Makanan
Dari Pakar Keselamatan Makanan kepada Pengendali Makanan.

Pelanggan Kami

Perkhidmatan Kami

Kursus Pengendali Makanan

Diiktiraf Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia

Program latihan terkini yang direka khas untuk pengendali makanan dan industri perkhidmatan makanan di Malaysia.

Tujuan kursus ini adalah untuk mendedahkan pengendali makanan kepada konsep kepentingan Kebersihan Dan Keselamatan Makanan. Memupuk kefahaman asas dan mewujudkan kepekaan dan kesedaran terhadap pengendalian makanan yang betul.

Kursus WAJIB sekali seumur hidup untuk semua pengendali makanan yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam penyediaan makanan

Akta Makanan 1983 & Peraturan-Peraturan Kebersihan Makanan (PPKM) 2009 memperuntukkan DENDA tidak melebihi RM10,000 atau PENJARA tidak melebihi 2 TAHUN jika tidak menjalani latihan atau tidak memiliki SIJIL PENGENDALI MAKANAN

Merupakan syarat paling asas untuk permohonan Lesen Premis Makanan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan seluruh Malaysia termasuk Sabah dan Serawak.

Kenapa Memilih SLPM Bersih Berseri?

  • Berpengalaman Lebih 20 Tahun Melatih Pengendali Makanan

  • Kursus Secara Interaktif, Santai dan Menghiburkan

  • Sijil 100% Diiktiraf Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia KKM

  • Penyedia Latihan Diiktiraf oleh HRD Corp dan Boleh Membuat Tuntutan HRD Corp

  • Diterima Oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Seluruh Malaysia, Sabah & Sarawak

  • Pilihan Kursus Secara Online Atau Fizikal

  • Sijil Dapat Segera Selepas Kursus dan Boleh Dipos Cepat

  • Mudah, Selamat dan Boleh Dipercayai

Sijil Pengiktirafan SLPMBBE

Apa Kata Pelanggan Kami

Azrin Hassanuddin
Azrin Hassanuddin
06:11 10 May 21
... Very Clear and Precise presentation of course module.Excellent Course Tutor, Moderator and Admin.Thumbs Up to Bersih Berseri!read more
yoga sha
yoga sha
05:34 08 May 21
... I really happy to attended this online course. Admins are so friendly. And thank u so much to Cikgu Teza. Im really happy and satisfied. Really appreciate it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!read more
Priya Jothi
Priya Jothi
14:17 19 Apr 21
... It was awesome to have training online with them ❤️ They engaged with their trainees. ❤️read more
Fareen Shafinaz Abdul Gaffar
Fareen Shafinaz Abdul Gaffar
13:38 26 Mar 21
... I personally enjoy this online class hosted by Bersih Berseri. Online class is much more convenient with a good teacher and communication was very clear and easy to understand. You will also immediately receive your certificate via email and the hard copy within the next day!read more
Mok Yoon Chet
Mok Yoon Chet
10:40 24 Jan 21
... This is the second time that I have taken this course and this time it is much more fun. To all the Admin; Kudos to you all for being professional and II am enjoying every second of it.👍👍👍read more
Daisy Angel
Daisy Angel
04:43 18 Jan 21
... Really had a good time of learning about F&B. Cannot imagine how 3 hours flies. Interesting lessons from teacher. Tq teachers. Sure wil recommend to others bout the use of this course. Friendly online classmates. Thanks all to share knowledge each others.read more
Nur Julianna binti Achai
Nur Julianna binti Achai
10:52 14 Jan 21
... Very informative and this course is very useful. The trainer was so friendly and easy to understand. The admin was so helpful. Thanks to admin, the trainer and the organisation. Thumbs up 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻read more
Neermal Despande
Neermal Despande
06:02 09 Jan 21
... Had a great and fun time at this class. Very informative and participative as well. Was not boring at all and glad to learn I have been doing things right even at home 🙂read more
shamla maniveloo
shamla maniveloo
02:06 27 Oct 20
... Very informative and this course is very useful. The trainer was so friendly and easy to understand. The admin was so helpful. Thanks to admin, the trainer and the organisation. 👍read more
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